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How Ian stays fit and why he wants to live to 100 | Still Got It Series

The choices we make today will compound and affect our tomorrow. In the Still Got It series, we are highlighting people who have made fitness a priority and experiencing compounding results. 

Meet Ian Gerrish. He's a former bull rider, who now stays fit through cycling and CrossFit.

He not only works 10+ hours/5 days a week and has a family, but finds time to make fitness a priority so that he can enjoy his grandkids and the great outdoors.

1. Can you share who you are and what you do to stay fit?

Ian Gerrish, I am 49 years old, and I stay fit mainly by doing CrossFit and some cycling.
2. What are some of the challenges you face with scheduling “fitness” into your daily routine?
I work 10+ hours a day, 5 days a week, so my workout time is late afternoons and Saturday mornings. With a senior in high school still at home, and playing sports, along with property chores and family events, sometimes my workouts have to take a back seat.
3. Why do you make fitness a priority?
I make fitness a priority for several reasons.
  1. I want be able to take on physical tasks at work and at home, without injury.
  2. Working out is a great way to release stress, keep muscle on, and body fat off.
  3. I want to continue to age well, staying as active as possible, enjoying the outdoors, playing with grandkids (my 1st is on the way), playing golf, and doing CrossFit.
  4. I still love to compete, learn new disciplines and be challenged. I rodeoed in college riding bulls, raced all types of bicycles, and currently find CrossFit to be really fun and challenging.
4. What would you tell someone who doesn’t think that they have the time or energy to make their health and fitness a priority?
You have to carve out the time! Even if it is just 15 minutes a day, and not super strenuous, get up and get moving. It really helps to have a workout partner!
Consistent exercise takes discipline and the more you make it a priority the easier it gets, and becomes a good habit. Make sure to lift weights and add functional fitness, not just cardio. Also, a lot of energy depletion comes from bad diet. Eat healthy, non-processed food, and very little sugar.
5. What are the results or compounding effects of your habits over the years?
I have always been active and pretty fit. My top fitness has ebbed and flowed a bit through the years. My best cardio fitness was when I was racing bikes. My best physical fitness (strength and mobility) is probably now, and I am getting fitter in that area. At least I am taking it more serious than in my youth. I have a few aches and pains from bull riding, crashing bikes, and living life. But, I am physically and mentally fit and always trying to improve.
6. Are there any “Still Got It” goals you want to achieve?
Now that most of my kids are grown I would like to get back into some masters level bike racing. I also have a plan, at this point, of making a run at the CrossFit games in the 55+ division. Play more golf.  And lastly, live to be 100 so I can enjoy my great grandkids!
Let's cheer on Ian as he takes on the CrossFit Master's division and centenarian status! We love hearing how fitness is enabling people to live their dreams.

Follow Ian on Instagram @igcascade. 

How do you build fitness into your life? I'd love to hear about it in the comments below.
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